IGL Foundation is able to produce the high quality events and provide the technology education students have come to expect because we have the support of such incredible partners! While our partners come from many different industries, they have something in common—their unwavering drive, grow and support the gaming community.
To learn more about partnering with the IGL Foundation email
Eezers is a video live streaming service and general-interest streaming platform created for the broadcasts of IGL esports competitions which support youth video gaming.
Heroes of New Orleans
Heroes of New Orleans is a grassroots community organization dedicated to improving the health, educational attainment, human welfare, and opportunities for youth, adults and families in New Orleans. Through its Aspiring Heroes Program, the organization focuses on juvenile justice and creating opportunities to remove youth offenders from the judicial system through the creation of skilled, educated, career-driven youth workers.
Revelry helps businesses of all sizes achieve their scaling and innovation goals to empower them with solutions. This not only creates new business lines for clients but they also grow independent tech companies for them.
Dawn Busters Kiwanis Club
Kiwanis International is a “family” of organizations that focuses on teaching young children about the responsibilities of good citizenship, community service and building future leaders.
Walker Contractors
Walker Contractors prides itself in quality construction and landscaping work on projects across the state of Louisiana. It looks to mentorship and mold other students in all areas to ensure their capability as independent contractors in life.
YBM Entertainment & Music Group
While working hard in the film, music and entertainment industry, YBM looks to educate the next generation of young business owner and take their brands to the next level.
NOCCJ has been serving the Greater New Orleans area since 1943 through advocacy and educational services. In doing so it honors community leaders and activists who promote respect and the value of diversity.
Random Nerds
Random Nerds prides itself in writing about nerdy passions and interesting topics in politics, gaming, tech and pop culture. Its founder, Joe Corbett, was one of the initial investors in making the dreams and goals of IGL come to life!
Brass Roots
Brass Roots helps adults and kids from all walks of life to live healthier and happier by not only providing healthy snacks but committing to work with youth organizations.
Launch Pad
Launch Pad creates the world’s strongest community of entrepreneurs, creatives, and professionals. They remain the entrepreneur’s
”First Believer.”
The Vitamin Q
The Vitamin Q graciously uses its power and influence to challenge the norms and canned thought of news media with its stories, blog posts and entertaining commentary. With cutting edge tech savvy visuals, wisdom on SEO empowerment and the ability to congregate followers in numbers, this company seeks provocative thought as its means to educate.